• HANO Officials Visit HANO Facilities with Plans to Restore Vacant Units

    For Immediate Release
    HANO Officials Visit HANO Facilities with Plans to Restore Vacant Units
    New Orleans, LA, (February 11, 2025)- On Thursday, February 6, 2025, Executive Director Marjorianna Willman toured several properties of the Housing Authority of New Orleans for the first time. She was joined by the Executive Leadership team from HANO and Commissioner Reverend Michael Raymond from the HANO Board of Commissioners.

    "This tour provided firsthand insight into the conditions of various properties and allowed us to meet with property managers and residents to learn more about the quality of life within HANO facilities,” stated Willman. “It highlighted HANO's commitment to improving the quality of housing and services offered to its residents.”

    The tours included stopping at Columbia Parc in which the team was able to see the community’s movie room. At Guste Homes, the visit included seeing available unit models, and at the Fischer Senior Village executive staff had the opportunity to engage with residents during bingo at the community center. Additional stops included Marrero Commons, Faubourg Lafitte, and William J. Fischer.

    Commissioner Raymond remarked, “This was an extraordinary opportunity to visit with the people we serve and with the employees who help us serve the people. I am appreciative of Executive Director Willman’s leadership in setting up the tours and happily having me tag along.”

    Next steps for the HANO Executive team will be to host follow-ups with key stakeholders to mitigate challenges identified and develop strategies to restore vacant units.
    Media Contact:
    Calandra Corder
    Director of Communications,
    Housing Authority of New Orleans
    Email: ccorder@hano.org
    Phone: (504) 670-3281
    About The Housing Authority of New Orleans:
    The Housing Authority of New Orleans (HANO) is focused on providing affordable housing
    opportunities for low-income residents of the city of New Orleans while laying the foundation
    for economic sustainability. HANO serves over 22,000 low-income families through its
    affordable housing programs. HANO also serves public housing needs for the elderly, disabled,
    and veterans. Visit www.hano.org to learn more.

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